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A refresh for the Club’s Logo

A key part of our Strategy Review has been to improve how the Club communicates. This has included a refresh of our Club logo. We have smartened it up while retaining its iconic view of the Church and coast, whilst making it more user-friendly for all media types. We have also sought advice and input from the originator of our original logo, Jim Crouch.

It will be implemented soon on our website, emails, notices etc, and – since Nick Williams has been involved with the process all along – will start to appear on new Pro Shop stock. Other things bearing our logo will be updated once they come up for renewal/replacement.

To ensure we are more consistent in all our communications, we have commissioned a short ‘Style Guide’, a set of rules and guidelines about how and where to use the logo and approved typefaces, and to set out the tone of voice we want St Enodoc to project to Members and Visitors at all times.

The new logo in its various forms is available from the office if required and the Style Guide will be placed in the Club Policy documents area of the virtual website.