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Forum Feature – IG Home page

A new forum feature has been added to the ‘MYGOLF’ menu on the IG homepage.

The first category has been posted to enable any existing or newer members find playing partners for anyone that responds to the forum.

Please navigate by clicking MY GOLF>FORUM.

Annual Mens Away Trip 2023

The Annual Mens Away Trip was held at St Pierre Golf Club on 25th & 26th June. The event was extremely well supported with 23 players making the journey to Chepstow. The weather was hot & sunny and spirits were high as the first round (an individual Stableford) got underway on the Old Course. Despite the course providing a real challenge, mainly in the form of trees which for some of us always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, the playing conditions were excellent which ultimately resulted in some excellent scores being recorded. On the day the winner was Pete Scholey with 36 points, Mark Meneer, with the same score came 2nd on countback and Ian Young 3rd with 34 points.

On day two we had a 4-man team event played on the Mathern Course, which, although slightly shorter in length proved to be just as tricky as the Old Course. Again, the standard of the golf played was very high as with two scores to count the winning team of Nick Williams, John Paul, Pete Scholey and Nick Williams Jr, scored 80 points, and Andy Beare, Stuart Fleet, Mark Meneer, and Tom Wills, coming 2nd with 72 points.

Many thanks and much appreciation to the Captain, Caroline Hume-Kendall for organising a great away trip which was throughly enjoyed by all those that attended.

Mike Roach


I am pleased to inform you that the 2023 Silent Auction is now open for bidding and closes on Captain’s Day, 29th July. All proceeds will go towards my chosen charity, MIND Cornwall. There are lots of lovely things to bid for so please take a few minutes to look by clicking the link below:

Auction Of Promises 

If anyone is available to be a ball spotter at Captain’s Charity Day on 14th June please contact the Office.

I don’t want to wish 2023 away but the sign up for the Holywell Midsummer Dawn Shotgun has just opened, scroll down on IG to 23rd June to book in your team of four. The price includes a delicious breakfast and prizes afterwards, the only drawback is you have to get up very early that day!

Caroline Hume-KendallClub Captain

Skittles Success

On Friday we had another smashing, sold out, social evening event with Round 2 of Skittles.
10 teams competed against each other as skittles were knocked over and sometimes sent flying as the balls were sent rolling down the alley. The first round set expectations high with both Paul Blackiston and Nick Richards knocking all 9 skittles down in 1 ball.
It was a very tight competition between the ladies with the highest scorer being both Helen Lowe and Di Mindel.
For the Gents, there was a clear winner as double figures was achieved on all rounds by Nick Richards,  which also helped his team ( Mark Luxton, James McDonnell & Rob Lane) to win highest scorers of the night.
Fabulous fun was had by all and full belly’s from the Chinese Buffet.
Next event is the Beetle Drive on Friday 12th May

Match report – County B team

The first round matches of the Cornwall ‘B’ Team Club Championships were held today at Newquay Golf Club, and the St Enodoc team consisting of Dennis Brown, Neil Robinson, Liam Bateman, Kai Dingle, Carl Adams & Mark Blake were drawn to play against Trethorne GC. 
With two of our three pairings having to give shots it was always going to be a tight match which proved to be the case with the lead in all of the games continually swinging first one way then the other. Unfortunately on the day, with one game finishing on the 17th and other two on the 18th, Trethorne proved to be the better side and won the match 3 – 0.
On a positive note, whilst the match was both extremely competitive and exciting to watch, it was played in great spirit – a credit to both teams. A big thanks to Newquay Golf Club who’d clearly worked hard to have the course in great condition and who kept the players well fed and watered throughout the day.

Seniors vs Juniors

After many emails to and fro the might of the Seniors took on the cream of the Juniors. We were slightly concerned at the forecast but Maria Buckley’s prayers were effective and the whole day went off with no more than the odd raindrop.The first two matches were halved leading to a sense of optimism in the Seniors which was quickly dampened by two losses. Match 5 saw Richard Palmer record a rare win on the Holywell but the Juniors’ overall win was sealed by Oben and Eva who also won a prize for the biggest win margin of 4 and 3. Jerry Taylor and John Bower secured a modicum of respectability with the Seniors’ biggest win margin, also 4 and 3.The overall result was Juniors 4 Seniors 3  with nearest the pin prizes on the 12th being secured by the respective section captains, Liam Bateman and Kevin Burton.Maria presented Liam with the cup and chocs to share with his triumphant team.Observing and hearing of the play from the Juniors throughout the day leads me to believe that the future of golf at St Enodoc is assured. The match was played in a great spirit and I hope that this becomes a regular fixture once again.Neal Jolly Seniors Vice Captain

Grand National Sweepstake 2023

St Enodoc Elects a New Club Captain

With over 150 present on Easter Saturday at the Club’s AGM Members were pleased to elect Mrs Caroline Hume-Kendall as Club Captain for the next two years.

Originally from Kent, Caroline has been a member of St Enodoc for most of her life. Her first golf lesson was with Nick Williams back in the 80s whom she continues to have lessons with! With a handicap of 3.1 she plays for Cornwall, is a regular in the St Enodoc teams and has an ambition to be Scratch. In 2022 she was our Ladies Captain.

Caroline and her husband, Rupert, live in Port Quin and have three children who live and work in London. Caroline began her career in PR but took a break to look after the family before training as a photographer and setting up a business specialising in School Team and Event photography. She now owns and manages a commercial property business with Rupert, based in Truro and is a qualified personal trainer. Her hobbies include walking, fitness, water-skiing, making hedgerow tipples and beekeeping.

Welcome to the Club’s new website

Welcome to the Club’s new website. The website we have been using is over five years old now and some of the content needed refreshing. After competitive tender we contracted with to design the new site. Artworking have worked with many prestigious golf clubs and their skill is reflected in our new site.

We have upgraded the website, there is new high quality video and still photography of every hole of both courses. The access to IG via “Virtual Club House” remains the same and most of the features Members will be familiar with are unchanged. Over fifty percent of Members access the website via a mobile ‘phone and this new website is designed to be mobile friendly.

We have taken some care to ensure that the software driving the site is bug free and that the content is correct. However like all things new there may be one or two odd glitches we have missed, if you find one do please tell us. An email to the General Manager would be most helpful if you find something which is less than perfect.

We hope you enjoy our new website.

Martin Biddle
Chairman of the Management Committee

Captain’s Charity Cheque Presentation 2023

The CEO of Isight Cornwall Mrs Carole Theobald (pictured above) received a cheque from Club Captain Neil Bradley for £13,631. This amazing amount of money was raised through various events including the Captain’s Charity Day and the generous donations from the membership.

Isight Cornwall is a volunteer based charity who’s primary aim is to aid and improve the lives of as many of the 28,000 people living in Cornwall with sight loss as much as possible.

Mrs Theobald gratefully received the cheque, thanking the members of St Enodoc Golf Club for their fundraising efforts and generosity.

A new challenge for Catherine

We are sorry and happy in equal measure for Catherine Kromholc.

Catherine has been offered and has accepted her first role as a Club Manager at St Austell Golf Club.

As many members will be aware Catherine has undertaken many roles in the 8 years she has been at the Club including Front of House, Reception and Social Media duties and most recently the Assistant Manager’s role.

Catherine’s new role is due to commence from the middle of May.

We wish Catherine every success for her new challenge and would like to thank her for the service she has provided to so many Members, Guests and Visitors during her time at the Club.

St Enodoc AGM 2023

The Committees’ Nominations and Applicants information may be found in the Meeting Notes Archive.

Management Committee Minutes

The Minutes of a Meeting of the Management Committee held on 25th January 2023 may be found in the Meeting Notes Archive.

Members Note – Holywell Rough Management / Fairway Maintenance

Members Consultation Evening – Tuesday 7th February 2023 – 18:45

Just a reminder that the second consultation on the Club’s draft Strategy and the results and review of the Mmebership Survey conducted in October will be presented at a meeting on Tuesday 7th February at 18:45.

Members can attend in the Clubhouse or via Zoom (link below).

Simon Greatorex is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Members Consultation Evening – Strategy/Members Survey Review
Time: Feb 7, 2023 06:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 7456 8780
Passcode: stenodoc

We look forward to seeing you.

Martin Biddle


South Western Challenge Cup Final 2022

On the Sunniest and driest day of the year to date,the final of the South Western Challenge Cup was played, with David Collick (pictured on the left) and Club Captain Neil Bradley both hoping to lift the title.A very solid display of golf from David ensured victory handing the Captain a 5&3 thumping!

Neil congratulated David on such a convincing win and then fined him £5 in aid of the Captains Charity for good measure.

Well played David!

Members Consultation Evening 7th February

There will be a Members Consultation evening on Tuesday 7th February which will give those Members who could not attend the original meeting date in December 2022 an opportunity to review the results from the recent membership survey and the formulation by the Management Committee of a Strategic Plan for the next ten years.

The meeting will be held in the Clubhouse and online via Zoom for those Members wishing to attend. Please contact the office if you require the Zoom link.

The meeting will have 2 Agenda topics:

– Summary of the Membership Survey results – 30 mins – Geoff Matthews (Management Committee)

– Presentation of Vision and Strategic Aims – 30 mins – (Martin Biddle / Martin Trees)

– Questions (30 mins)

Changes to the Rules of the Club

Revision and Updating of the Rules of St Enodoc GC.

In 2021 the Management Committee being concerned that the Rules of the Club, last revised in 2009, might need updating to ensure that current practice and legal requirements were incorporated, decided upon a review. This was duly carried out, however legal advice on the changes made was received too late to present proposals to the 2022 AGM.

However, a motion to repeal the current Rules and replace them will be put to the April 8th AGM and will require a two-thirds majority of those present and voting to pass. The updated Rules which will be presented to the 2023 AGM for approval by the Members may be found in the Appendix to this note.

There is nothing in these changes which reduce in anyway the rights of Members, nor do they give more authority to the Committees; indeed, the new Rule 39 diminishes the power of the Management Committee. Account has also been taken of the latest recommendations of England Golf relating to the governance of Members golf clubs.

The Rules have been reviewed by the National Golf Clubs Advisory Association who provide legal advice to golf clubs. They made a total of forty-eight recommendations the majority of which have been followed including all of those relating to current legal practice.

The principal changes are as follows: (Any rule numbers below correspond to the proposed new rules)

  • The rules are now gender neutral.
  • The categories of Membership have been clarified. (Rule 5)
  • The rights and obligations of Members in the various categories have been clarified.
  • Only those defined as “Full Members” may attend and vote at a General Meeting of the Club, propose or second an applicant for Membership, stand for election to any Committee, propose or second a candidate for election to any Committee. (Rule 6)
  • The old rule detailing the Club’s disciplinary process has been removed following legal advice and replaced with a policy document which does not form part of the Rules. (Rule 13)
  • The use of email and the Club website as communication tools are recognised at Rule 15 and elsewhere.
  • Payment of subscriptions by direct debit is permitted by Rule 22.
  • Rule 24 is new and permits the Club to raise money by means of a levy, subject to a resolution passed by two thirds of the Full Members at a General Meeting.
  • Rule 37 permits Committees to co-opt additional non-voting Members.
  • The reference in the current Rules relating to mental incapacity has, following legal advice, been updated at Rule 38.
  • Rule 38 deals with the situation where a Committee Member is deemed to be incapable of continuing in office by reason of illness.
  • Rule 39 removes from the Management Committee the right to nominate candidates for election to either Committee and sets out an alternative procedure.
  • Rule 42 is new and sets out the procedure for Members resolutions at an AGM.
  • The rules relating to the Ladies Committee, following legal advice, have been removed entirely.
  • Rule 49 is new and defines the Club’s limit of liability.
  • In the Bye-Laws the opportunity has been taken to update the Rules relating to dogs and mobile ‘phones.
  • A new Bye-Law confirms that the balcony is a No Smoking area.

Because of the detailed nature of the changes and their number Members will be asked to vote on the whole document rather than each individual change.

The Bye-Laws are included for information here but as they do not form part of the Rules will not be included in the Resolution put to the AGM.

Any queries concerning these proposals, in advance of the AGM, should be addressed to the General Manager – Simon Greatorex, or Ian Day (Management Committee Member)

All the changes proposed have been approved by both the Management Committee and the Captain’s Committee. Work on the detail of the changes has been made by a small working group comprising Terri Gliddon (Captain’s Committee), Carole Waights (Ladies Captain), Mary Rayment (Trustee) and Ian Day (Management Committee) with additional support from Caroline Hume-Kendall (Club Captain elect), Tuck Clagett (Past General Manager) and Mike Roach (Club Vice-Captain elect).

The revised rules may be found in the Meeting Notes Archive

Frank Wills Team lose to St Austell

Unfortunately the Frank Wills team were second best on the day & lost 4-1 v St.Austell at Perranporth in the quarter final of the Frank wills. The game was played in gusting winds up to 60mph & both teams played some very good golf considering the conditions. One match lost on the 16th two matches on the 17th & one on the 18th.

I would like to thank the team for putting themselves forward to represent the club & hopefully we will try again next year.

Thanks to Our Club Captain, Club Vice Captain, Mike Roach & Sue Roworth for coming to support the team today in freezing cold conditions, and not forgetting the caddies – Dan Witts, Norman Evans, Lee Bateman and Louis Archer – thank you all.

Rich Helleur
Team Captain

Cornwall Bowl – Semi Final this Sunday at Newquay Golf Club

Our Cornwall Bowl team will be playing the semi-final at Newquay Golf Club this Sunday, 29th January from 11.00am. All supporters would be very welcome.

Frank Wills Quarter Final Match

St Enodoc take on St Austell this Sunday at Perranporth in the Quarter Finals of the Cornwall Golf Union Frank Wills Winter knockout. The first tee is at 11.00am and all supporters are welcome!

10th bridge crossing re-open

The crossing on the 10th has now been reinstated with a culvert now replacing the old wooden supports from the original bridge.

There will be some turfing/seeding and landscaping required to finish the job completely, but the teeing area has now been moved back to the original position.

Thank you to all involved in completing this challenging task so efficiently.