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English Amateur Championships

Our two County Champions, Louis Archer and Kira Barnes, are playing this week in the English Amateur Championships at Ferndown and Broadstone Golf Clubs. Kira has made an excellent start and currently lies T7 having played 2 over par. Louis played to 3 over par amongst a large and tough field. Keep going Champs, we’re behind you! We also wish all those representing Cornish Clubs good luck this week.

Live scoring may be found here

This Week on the Courses

The golf courses are currently facing a significant struggle with high humidity and excessive growth. The prevailing weather conditions have created a perfect environment for rapid turf growth, posing challenges in maintaining the courses at their best. The high humidity levels not only make it difficult to keep the playing surfaces dry but also increase the risk of disease outbreaks. Our dedicated team is working tirelessly to control the overgrowth patterns and preserve the pristine presentation of the courses.

This Week on the Courses

Scott Gibson

Course Manager

Captain’s Day 2023

I have to say I did not imagine we’d all have quite as much fun as we did on Captain’s Day. Apart from some gusty winds and a hail shower, the weather was kind. Two hundred players across both courses had the options of buying Mulligans in aid of MIND Cornwall, this created much tactical chatter on the first tee. With a little bottle of Limoncello in their bags to start and doughnuts and drinks on the 10th, players sugar levels and spirits were high and the scores eclectic. The after party for 150 of our members was noisy and full of happy banter. The clubhouse, beautifully decorated by Kim Lord, was full of all ages – toddlers to 90+. Everyone enjoyed the delicious BBQ provided by our talented chefs. Once a few brave souls took to the dance floor there was no stopping us! The band of the night, The Retrobates, judged the audience brilliantly insisting on audience participation for Cornwall My Home and culminating in an Axel Rose number!

All of this doesn’t just happen, the people who made it work so well and made it look so effortless are our wonderful staff. Every one of the team played their part but I must single out Simon, Chris and Heather. Without them the day would not have happened, I am extremely lucky to have such brilliant support.

An unexpected surprise was the amount of money we raised for my chosen charity MIND Cornwall. The Mulligans and Joe Cruse’s “What3Words” combined raised £1,170 – thank you all so much for your generosity. The Silent Auction which had been running for a couple of months concluded the same evening. It raised a staggering £8,550. Thank you to all those who so kindly donated auction lots and to the successful bidders. To raise this amount of money in our current climate is almost unbelievable.

So, I have a year to plan the next Captain’s Day and I’m already excited!

Caroline Hume-Kendall
Club Captain




Gary & Judith Franks / Kai Dingle / Bev Vann – 105


Steve Buse / Mike Buse / Nige Connolly / Josh Greenaway – 104


Martin Biddle / Dave Flew / Rich Hawken / Charlie Runnalls – 101

NTP 5th

David Mann

NTP 15th

Martin Biddle

NTP in 2 Ladies 4th

Skye Robinson

NTP in 2 Men 9th

Neil Robinson

NTP in 2 14th

Jonathan Russell

Longest Drive 18th Men

Finn Ellis

Longest Drive 18th Ladies

Claire Byrd






Andy & Jo Carthew / David & Carolyn Ramsbottom – 101


Edna Alford / Mary Baillie / Rose Jones / Barbara Willmott – 100


Paul & Sarah Blackiston / John & Kay Coplestone – 99

NTP 5th

Tony Rounsevell

NTP 9th

Andy Carthew

NTP 16th

John Radford

Longest Drive 17th Men

Andy Carthew (fairway) / Teo Deboer (through green)

Longest Drive 17th Ladies

Marie Deboer

Welcome to George

On Monday 24th July we welcomed George Tunbridge (Deputy Manager – Operations) to the St Enodoc team, as you can see we have got him hard at work already!!!.

George is looking forward to meeting everyone over the coming weeks and months, please feel free to pop in to the Office to say hello!!.

This Week on the Courses


This week on the courses, our primary focus will be on producing the highest quality playing surfaces for our golfers. We understand the importance of maintaining impeccable greens and fairways to enhance the overall golfing experience. Through meticulous care and attention to detail, we aim to deliver surfaces that are not only visually appealing but also provide exceptional playability. Additionally, we will continue to prioritize the recovery process of our turf areas, ensuring that any previous stress from weather conditions or heavy foot traffic is addressed effectively. Our dedicated team of course maintenance professionals will work diligently to nurture and revitalize the turf, promoting healthy growth and resilience. By combining our efforts in producing quality surfaces and nurturing their recovery, we aim to provide an unparalleled golfing experience for all our valued players

This Week on the Courses – W/C 24/7/23


Scott Gibson

Course Manager

This Week on the Courses


Well our prayers have been answered in abundance with 66mm of rain recorded this week (it must be the start of the school holidays!!), everything growing fast now so out with the verticutters for the greens this week.

Good luck to all playing in the Club Championship this weekend.

Scott Gibson – Course Manager

This week on the Courses – W/C Monday 17th July

This Week on the Courses


This week on the Courses – Some much needed rainfall has enabled the team to focus more on conditioning and less on feeding and watering for next week. All the details of the core tasks ahead are detailed below.

Enjoy your golf this weekend.

This Week on the Courses – 10-7-23


Scott Gibson

Course Manager

Competition Entry Update – Intelligent Golf

From next week Members will notice a new simpler format to use when using the competition booking software following an upgrade to the IG platform.

The new layout is user-friendly and responsive, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable sign-up experience.

One notable update is the introduction of gender filtering based on the logged-in user, allowing members to easily view and enter competitions specific to their gender or age. Additionally, we have implemented date range filtering, making it simpler for participants to find and join competitions that align with their schedule.

We have streamlined the member competitions menu, which will now show a simple view of both past and upcoming competitions, removing the multiple gender selections.

By selecting “Online Signup,” you will be directed to a cleaner layout where all the necessary information is displayed on a single screen. This improvement reduces the number of clicks required to enter a competition and serves as a foundation for additional enhancements planned for later this year.

St Enodoc’s role in creating pathways for Pollinators


Over the past five years the Club has been working in partnership with BUGLIFE in their efforts to create pollinator pathways for rare species of bees.

During this time the charity has been collecting seeds from the Field Scabious plant we have growing in pockets of grassland mainly concentrated on the Holywell Course, these have then been planted at multiple sites across North Cornwall.

We have in 2022 also planted from our seed to encourage and expand the habitat that these species thrive in, in addition the STRI scrub clearance has contributed to the encouragement of many ‘Mining’ species of bee that nest in these environments.

Buglife have now submitted a report (attached below) to the Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ERCCIS) to record the 33 species of bee and wasp sightings on the Golf Courses.

Bee Survey

Annual Mens Away Trip 2023

The Annual Mens Away Trip was held at St Pierre Golf Club on 25th & 26th June. The event was extremely well supported with 23 players making the journey to Chepstow. The weather was hot & sunny and spirits were high as the first round (an individual Stableford) got underway on the Old Course. Despite the course providing a real challenge, mainly in the form of trees which for some of us always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, the playing conditions were excellent which ultimately resulted in some excellent scores being recorded. On the day the winner was Pete Scholey with 36 points, Mark Meneer, with the same score came 2nd on countback and Ian Young 3rd with 34 points.

On day two we had a 4-man team event played on the Mathern Course, which, although slightly shorter in length proved to be just as tricky as the Old Course. Again, the standard of the golf played was very high as with two scores to count the winning team of Nick Williams, John Paul, Pete Scholey and Nick Williams Jr, scored 80 points, and Andy Beare, Stuart Fleet, Mark Meneer, and Tom Wills, coming 2nd with 72 points.

Many thanks and much appreciation to the Captain, Caroline Hume-Kendall for organising a great away trip which was throughly enjoyed by all those that attended.

Mike Roach

This Week on the Courses 3/7/23

July has reached us, normally the sign of some good summer weather for the months ahead. Have we already had the best of it in May and June, this remains to be seen!!!.

The week ahead for the greens team has been organised, a mixed bag is forecast!!.

Have a good weekend.

This week on the Courses 3/7/2023

Scott Gibson

Course Manager


This Week on the Courses – W/C 26th June


The maintenance plans for the week ahead are detailed in ‘This week on the Courses‘ . We have had a tiny amount of rain this week that has helped, but it has been a necessary precaution currently to ask all golfers not to smoke whilst on the courses. A big thank you from us to everybody that observes this request.

Have a great golfing week.

Scott Gibson

Course Manager

Members Note – Overseeding

Members Note – Overseeding

Now the weather has presented a window of opportunity for the greens team to catch up on the over seeding maintenance of the greens,  an accompanying note below has been issued to explain the processes involved that need to be undertaken to promote the finer fescue grasses we are aiming for.

19th June Members Note 2023


Scott Gibson

Course Manager

Eric Symons

Eric Symons

Members will be saddened to hear of the passing of Eric on the 15th June.

Eric had been a member of the Club since 1986 and was a Club Trustee as well as an organiser of the Farmers Society at the Club for over 15 years.

Our sincerest condolences go to the Symons family.

Funeral announcements will be detailed when known.


This Week on the Courses


At last a splash of rain for the courses, this week we will be capitalising on this with some aeration and overseeding. All the details of the maintenance for the Church and Holywell can be read in the link below.

This week on the Courses

Have fun this week


Scott Gibson

Course Manager

El sueño de Annodata está muerto … for the men in ’23

Ideal conditions … for spending a day at the beach … brought two teams to St Enodoc, both aspiring to continue the Annodata Challenge journey to the finals in Spain.

The challenge proved too much for St Enodoc and the ‘B’ team from Lanhydrock showed they know how to play links golf when the need arises, winning 3/2. Good luck to them in the next round.

Congratulations to the St Enodoc ladies who prevailed today. Keep winning!

This Week on the Courses


Will Smith (Deputy Course Manager) has updated what is in store for the courses in terms of maintenance next week, the perfect links conditions are still with us currently.

Thank s to all the volunteers that spared some time to divot the whole of the Church course last week. Another session will be planned for the Holywell in the next few weeks.

On the Courses W/C 5th June

Greens Update w/c 29th May 2023


This weeks maintenance week commencing 29th May 2023 can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Thank you

Will Smith

Deputy Course Manager


This week on the course

Greens Update – This week on the Courses – 22nd May

New for the Members information on the website and noticeboard is a weekly update on what is being carried out on the golf courses in terms of maintenance.

Attached is next weeks schedule of activity planned for the Church and Holywell.

P.S. The sign up is still open (on IG) for anyone who can spare some time on Thursday 25th May from 15:30 to assist in the repairing of divot now we have optimum growing conditions currently.

This Week on the Courses

Thank you

Scott Gibson

Course Manager


Quarter Finals County Champs 2023

Louis Archer teeing off

It’s quarter final day at the County Champs in Newquay.

Good luck Louis.

Joe Combellack wins Lawrence Cup

Congratulations to Joe Combellack on winning the Lawrence Cup today with 37 points during County Week at Newquay

Annodata B Team vs St Mellion May 2023

The St Enodoc Annodata B Team played host to the ‘B’ Team from St Mellion on a clear and calm day at St Enodoc.

The course was in great condition and the matches were played in great spirit. A credit to all involved.

Neil Robinson earned a hard-fought win to give us an early lead but not everything went our way. After the first four matches we were 2-2 so it all came down to the final match and Dave Lupton turned on a stellar performance to give St Enodoc the win.

Thank you to the St Mellion team for being great competitors and to the clubhouse staff for the usual great service before and afterwards.

St Mellion: Carl, Steve, Jordan, Adam and Lewis. St Enodoc: Dave Lupton. Greg Mather, Matthew Warr, Neil Robinson, Dennis Brown

Annodata A team in action May 2023

On Sunday the 7th May, the first of two teams from St Enodoc made a short journey across the valley to The Point at Polzeath for the 1st round of this year’s Annodata Matchplay.

The competition is a 5 man team event, each man playing individual matchplay against a drawn opponent.

The course at The Point was presented in immaculate condition and the weather warm and sunny.

The St Enodoc Team comprised of John Rowe, Richard Blake, John Twiggs, David Collick and Lewis Bradley, Lewis standing in as replacement at the last minute.

Despite some really good golf from both sides the deciding factor was the green speed, St Enodoc’s team to a man being unable to adapt to the true but much slower green speeds on the day.

The Point won the match with a convincing scoreline 4.5 / 0.5, St Enodoc’s John Twiggs securing the only half point.

Thankyou to The Point for such an enjoyable afternoon and best wishes for the next round.

Team photo L/R: Richard Blake, Lewis Bradley, John Twiggs, David Collick (John Rowe not pictured)

Skittles Success

On Friday we had another smashing, sold out, social evening event with Round 2 of Skittles.
10 teams competed against each other as skittles were knocked over and sometimes sent flying as the balls were sent rolling down the alley. The first round set expectations high with both Paul Blackiston and Nick Richards knocking all 9 skittles down in 1 ball.
It was a very tight competition between the ladies with the highest scorer being both Helen Lowe and Di Mindel.
For the Gents, there was a clear winner as double figures was achieved on all rounds by Nick Richards,  which also helped his team ( Mark Luxton, James McDonnell & Rob Lane) to win highest scorers of the night.
Fabulous fun was had by all and full belly’s from the Chinese Buffet.
Next event is the Beetle Drive on Friday 12th May

Match report – County B team

The first round matches of the Cornwall ‘B’ Team Club Championships were held today at Newquay Golf Club, and the St Enodoc team consisting of Dennis Brown, Neil Robinson, Liam Bateman, Kai Dingle, Carl Adams & Mark Blake were drawn to play against Trethorne GC. 
With two of our three pairings having to give shots it was always going to be a tight match which proved to be the case with the lead in all of the games continually swinging first one way then the other. Unfortunately on the day, with one game finishing on the 17th and other two on the 18th, Trethorne proved to be the better side and won the match 3 – 0.
On a positive note, whilst the match was both extremely competitive and exciting to watch, it was played in great spirit – a credit to both teams. A big thanks to Newquay Golf Club who’d clearly worked hard to have the course in great condition and who kept the players well fed and watered throughout the day.

Two weeks to go for Sam

Just two weeks to go before this years TCS London Marathon.

You may have seen St Enodoc team member Sam Stone training around Wadebridge to get up the stamina to compete in this great event for the first time.

Like many others running Sam is raising money for a good cause and is already on the way to making a fantastic contribution to the British Heart Foundation, a charity very close to Sam,  as her son needed life saving surgery at just 13 weeks old.

We wish Sam the best of luck and will be looking out for you on the Telly!!.

If anyone wishes to make a donation or sponsored amount please click the link to Sam’s JUSTGIVING page   


Very best of Luck

A refresh for the Club’s Logo

A key part of our Strategy Review has been to improve how the Club communicates. This has included a refresh of our Club logo. We have smartened it up while retaining its iconic view of the Church and coast, whilst making it more user-friendly for all media types. We have also sought advice and input from the originator of our original logo, Jim Crouch.

It will be implemented soon on our website, emails, notices etc, and – since Nick Williams has been involved with the process all along – will start to appear on new Pro Shop stock. Other things bearing our logo will be updated once they come up for renewal/replacement.

To ensure we are more consistent in all our communications, we have commissioned a short ‘Style Guide’, a set of rules and guidelines about how and where to use the logo and approved typefaces, and to set out the tone of voice we want St Enodoc to project to Members and Visitors at all times.

The new logo in its various forms is available from the office if required and the Style Guide will be placed in the Club Policy documents area of the virtual website.


Vice-President Cup Final 2023

The final of the Vice President knock out was played on Monday between Caroline HK and Bev Vann. Bev set off to a flying start with birdies on the second and fourth holes leaving Caroline work to do and 4 down at the turn. Plenty of great golf and digging deep took the match to the 18th with Bev maintaining the pressure throughout the entire match and winning 2 up. Bev now goes on to represent St Enodoc in the County Vice Presidents Knock Out. Good Luck Bev.

Bunker revetting renewed on the 4th hole

Craftsmanship of the highest order on display at the 4th hole on the Church Course.

Message from the Chairman – Committee Vacancies 2023

Committee Vacancies

At the A.G.M. on the 8th April 2023 there will be three vacancies on the Management Committee and one vacancy on the Captains Committee.
The Chairman, Treasurer and one Committee member will have completed their terms in office.
On a personal note, I have found my time on Committee both interesting and rewarding.
We are looking to members who are passionate about the Club and its Governance. If there are any members who are interested in finding out more about what is involved on either Committee and would like to discuss this further, please contact myself or the General Manager (Simon Greatorex – 01208 863216).
Any contact from interested parties will be treated in confidence until such times as an application is received.
Details of the Captains Committee responsibilities and reference to the Club Treasurers role are detailed in the Club rules and regulations 31 & 38 and also a job description for the Management Committee vacancies are included below.

Yours sincerely
Martin Biddle – Chairman
07974 714797
St Enodoc Golf Club

Ref : Role and responsibilities – Elected Management Committee Member

PURPOSE: The Management Committee is the guardian of the assets and resources of the Club. It provides leadership and strategic direction focussing on the vision and goals of the Club in addition to ensuring that the objects set out in the Club’s Rules are met.

RESPONSIBLE TO: The Members of the Club

RESPONSIBLE FOR: The running of the Club in accordance with the Club’s Rules and in accordance with the objects, values and strategy of the Club.

TERM OF APPOINTMENT: An Elected Management Committee Member will serve for a period of four years and will be eligible for re-election for one further period of four years.


  • Establish the vision, values and long term strategy for the Club for a 3-5 year period
  • Engage in the establishment of the Club’s annual business/operational plans, to cover all aspects of the club activities e.g. Course, House and Membership
  • Delegate the day-to-day running of the Club to the General Manager
  • Have oversight of the management of all aspects of the Club
  • Monitor performance, financial expenditure, risk and resource allocation against the business/operational plan
  • Ensure financial solvency and integrity through robust controls and policies and personal integrity
  • Monitor on a regular basis progress against goals and objectives
  • Review and amend as necessary the Vision, Core Values on a regular basis at least every four years
  • Amend as necessary the Club Bye-laws
  • Appoint and support the senior members of staff
  • Manage risk and help identify new opportunities for the Club
  • Develop and oversee high level policies
  • To ensure the Club operates in accordance with accepted best practice in respect of Children, Young People and Disabled golfers.
  • To ensure the Club is run in an equitable and transparent way;
  • To support the Chairman in the provision of leadership and direction
  • Build and maintain effective relationships with external partners and the membership
  • Communicate on a regular basis to the membership plans and progress



  • A good working knowledge of the principles of good corporate governance and Committee responsibilities;
  • Evidence of good business skills and the ability to work well in a team;
  • Strong command of the issues facing the golf business and St Enodoc Golf Club in particular


  • Excellent communication, relationship & networking skills
  • Demonstrable expertise and ability to offer advice in various management situations, for example, but not limited to, the following areas;
  • Financial matters
  • Legal matters
  • Marketing, communications and sponsorship
  • Developing strategic partnerships
  • Equality & diversity
  • Human Resources Management

Ref : Treasurer Role – Club Rules & Regulations

31. The Honorary Treasurer, who shall be a Member, shall be nominated by the Management Committee prior to every Annual General Meeting and, subject to confirmation by that Meeting, shall take office thereat. His term of office shall be no longer than five years. After the Honorary Treasurer’s period in office, regardless of his length of service, the Honorary Treasurer must wait a Break Period of one year before becoming eligible to stand again for any position on either Committee. The Honorary Treasurer shall cause proper accounts of the Club to be kept and shall be responsible therefore and shall exercise general supervision of the Club’s pension and insurance arrangements, and such other matters as affect the finances of the Club. He shall cause the annual income and expenditure account of the Club for each calendar year and the balance sheet at the end of that year to be made up by the Club’s Accountants and shall have the same printed for circulation to members with the notices of the Annual General Meeting.

Ref: Captains Committee

38. The Captain’s Committee will be responsible for the Club golf and social events. Specifically, the Captain’s Committee will have responsibility for the following;

  1. All competitions;
  2. Matches;
  3. Club teams;
  4. Club social events;
  5. The Club golfing programme;
  6. Handicapping System;
  7. Management of third-party use of the course; and
  8. Election of new members in accordance with Rule 12.

For the avoidance of doubt the Management Committee will be exclusively responsible for all tasks not delegated to the Captain’s Committee under this Rule 38.