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County Champions honoured at a reception

L to R: Club Captain – Caroline Hume-Kendall, Club President – Martin Gargan, Cornwall Ladies Champion 2023 – Kira Barnes, Cornwall Closed Champion 2023 – Joe Cruse, Cornwall U-14 Boys Champion – Bobby Godfrey, Cornwall Mens Champion 2023 – Louis Archer, Club Chairman – Martin Trees.

On Thursday last the Club Captain hosted a reception at the Club to recognise a unique feat in the history of Cornish golf, that of having four County Champions simultaneously. In welcoming Members and guests the Club Captain said –

“The double of having a Ladies and Mens County Champion from the same club in the same year is rare, in fact in the last 25 years it’s only happened three times and never at St Enodoc. Congratulations to Kira Barnes and Louis Archer. It is also very gratifying to St Enodoc that Bobby Godfrey has won the U14 Championship. To my knowledge, a Cornish club has never held these titles together.

 Joe Cruse has retained the Cornish Closed for the third consecutive year, that’s quite something Joe and an inspiration to many and congratulations to the U14 Nett Champion, Alfie Chapman, and the U12 Nett Champion Will Dingle. It’s been quite a year so far. 

 The health of any golf club is defined by the excellence of its best players and to have these recognised achievements demonstrates that St Enodoc is ready to take on any challenge, against anyone, anywhere, and for that we should be very proud.

Before we raise a glass I would also like to thank some of our past county champions for joining us this evening:

 Two times winner John Bradley

Two times winner Steve Chapman and of course

Two times winner Joe Cruse”