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St Enodoc Elects a New Club Captain

With over 150 present on Easter Saturday at the Club’s AGM Members were pleased to elect Mrs Caroline Hume-Kendall as Club Captain for the next two years.

Originally from Kent, Caroline has been a member of St Enodoc for most of her life. Her first golf lesson was with Nick Williams back in the 80s whom she continues to have lessons with! With a handicap of 3.1 she plays for Cornwall, is a regular in the St Enodoc teams and has an ambition to be Scratch. In 2022 she was our Ladies Captain.

Caroline and her husband, Rupert, live in Port Quin and have three children who live and work in London. Caroline began her career in PR but took a break to look after the family before training as a photographer and setting up a business specialising in School Team and Event photography. She now owns and manages a commercial property business with Rupert, based in Truro and is a qualified personal trainer. Her hobbies include walking, fitness, water-skiing, making hedgerow tipples and beekeeping.