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St Enodoc’s role in creating pathways for Pollinators


Over the past five years the Club has been working in partnership with BUGLIFE in their efforts to create pollinator pathways for rare species of bees.

During this time the charity has been collecting seeds from the Field Scabious plant we have growing in pockets of grassland mainly concentrated on the Holywell Course, these have then been planted at multiple sites across North Cornwall.

We have in 2022 also planted from our seed to encourage and expand the habitat that these species thrive in, in addition the STRI scrub clearance has contributed to the encouragement of many ‘Mining’ species of bee that nest in these environments.

Buglife have now submitted a report (attached below) to the Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ERCCIS) to record the 33 species of bee and wasp sightings on the Golf Courses.

Bee Survey