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Welcome to the Club’s new website

Welcome to the Club’s new website. The website we have been using is over five years old now and some of the content needed refreshing. After competitive tender we contracted with to design the new site. Artworking have worked with many prestigious golf clubs and their skill is reflected in our new site.

We have upgraded the website, there is new high quality video and still photography of every hole of both courses. The access to IG via “Virtual Club House” remains the same and most of the features Members will be familiar with are unchanged. Over fifty percent of Members access the website via a mobile ‘phone and this new website is designed to be mobile friendly.

We have taken some care to ensure that the software driving the site is bug free and that the content is correct. However like all things new there may be one or two odd glitches we have missed, if you find one do please tell us. An email to the General Manager would be most helpful if you find something which is less than perfect.

We hope you enjoy our new website.

Martin Biddle
Chairman of the Management Committee